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Django - Develop faster with BrowserSync

This is probably the simplest/fastest way to integrate BrowserSync with your Django development workflow, allowing a few cool thinks to happen automatically:

  • Browser reloads whenever you edit your code (no more CTRL+R or F5);

  • Sync your view across multiple browsers and devices, so you can see how changes are displayed in different platforms/window sizes;

  • Interactions on one device are also synced, any scrolling or typing in one window is simultaneously reflected in the other ones;

This can easily be used in Flask (or any other framework really), by changing a proxy variable appropriately.


First you need to have NodeJS and npm and gulp running on your dev machine, then follow the BrowserSync instructions for installation.


Save this file as gulpfile.js in your Django project’s root:

var gulp        = require('gulp');
var browserSync = require('browser-sync');
var reload      = browserSync.reload;

gulp.task('default', function() {
        notify: false,
        proxy: "localhost:8000"
    });['./**/*.{scss,css,html,py,js}'], reload);

Then on your terminal:

$ cd /path/to/project_root
$ gulp

That’s it!

If everything goes according to plan, this will open a browser window on port 3000, proxying your django project’s URL, and listening to changes on files with the following extensions scss,css,html,py,js.

The original project’s URL is defined in proxy: "localhost:8000", so this is where you make changes if your Django test server is using a different port, or if you are developing in Flask (or any other framework, really).

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