Analyst 18   Software Engineering and other random() subjects

Node and Azure - Asynchronous List Searches using Bing Search API

This article explores the issue of running “simultaneous” searches for all entries in a list of terms (in reality, we are running searches asynchronously).

I’m also trying to improve on Azure’s Search API example a bit.

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Django and GitLab - Running Continuous Integration and tests with your FREE account

This article attempts to explain how to setup your Django project so you can leverage’s free Continuous Integration features - available on their hosted environment, for their free account tier, on top of unlimited private repositories!

The TLDR version is:

You push your changes to a remote “dev” branch and GitLab will:

  • Read a very simple config file.
  • Build your environment on their cloud.
  • Run your tests - including PhantomJS Integration tests - on this environment.
  • Mark the build as “successful” if all tests...

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Django - Develop faster with BrowserSync

This is probably the simplest/fastest way to integrate BrowserSync with your Django development workflow, allowing a few cool thinks to happen automatically:

  • Browser reloads whenever you edit your code (no more CTRL+R or F5);

  • Sync your view across multiple browsers and devices, so you can see how changes are displayed in different platforms/window sizes;

  • Interactions on one device are also synced, any scrolling or typing in one window is simultaneously reflected in the other ones;

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ColdFusion - Testing FW/1 Controllers with TestBox

Some frameworks allow you to test your controllers directly - usually a faster approach to using Selenium and headless browsers.

I decided to try that for a new FW/1 app, but since I could only find discussions on how to do that, and not a lot of code, I decided to try that on my own, using TestBox.

This picks up where my FW/1 Example Application Articles left… I suggest you read that in case any of the code seems confusing.

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Starting Tests for Flask Apps - Integration and PhantomJS Examples

This article is similar to the Ready to use Structure for Django Tests and the main goals are:

  • get your tests up and running quickly
  • provide a starting point for more complex tests

We’ll use my Flask App to generate summaries as the test target (feel free to clone it).

Note: This article was updated on JAN-2019 to reflect changes in the original project (a section on API testing was added).

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Ready to use Structure for Django Tests + Examples (Pt. 2)

This article builds up on the Structure for Django Tests and shows how you can easily display individual running times for each test in a group or suite - and you can use in Flask tests too! - check out my Flask App to generate summaries.

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Ready to use Structure for Django Tests + Examples (Pt. 1)

This article proposes a flexible and efficient test structure, so readers don’t have to go through the many Django testing resources available online before getting started.

This structure allows developers to:

  • Organize and group different test types (unit, integration, functional tests, etc…).

  • Run tests individually, or by group, or all of them.

  • Define logic that is common to all tests (e.g. client login/logout, utility functions)

  • Populate your test database programmatically.

  • Get the elapsed running time for...

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