Analyst 18   Software Engineering and other random() subjects

FW/1 Example Application - Testing your App with BDD and Integration Tests

This final article is probably the most interesting (and important!) in the series and details how to implement Behaviour Driven Development tests and Integration Tests on the Example Application using FW/1.

The links above provide excellent definitions on these different concepts, so I strongly suggest the reader to become familiar with them.

BDD, specifically, encompasses much more than just the tests - learning and implementing these concepts was incredibly rewarding, as it changed some of my stubborn ways of approaching development!

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FW/1 Example Application - Interaction with a Remote Service

In this fourth article on how to build a ColdFusion and FW/1 Example Application, I’ll present a way to interact with a Remote Service that performs some complex manipulations with the stored articles.

The external service, in this case, is flask_Summarizer

  • an API written in Python/Flask, that receives paragraphs of text, and returns a string with a summary of that content.

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FW/1 Example Application - User Defined Function Libraries

This is the third in a series of articles on how to build a ColdFusion and FW/1 Example Application, and it discusses how you can structure your User Defined Functions in libraries that can be easily accessed in any part of your project, whether it’s a view, controller, service or model.

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FW/1 Example Application - Forms and Validation

This is the second in a series of articles on how to build a ColdFusion and FW/1 Example Application, and it discusses the topic of creating forms and validating submitted data in an efficient and DRY (Don’t Repeat Yourself) way.

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FW/1 Example Application - Project Structure

This article talks about the topic of project structure in a ColdFusion and FW/1 Example Application and is the first one in the following series:

It assumes you are not new to CFML, so don’t take this as a detailed guide or tutorial, but more of a ‘getting started’ reference on using this MVC framework to create Object-Oriented ColdFusion...

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ColdFusion FW/1 Example Application Project

I just released a ColdFusion Example Application, built using the FW/1 framework in its latest version:

It’s a simple app to store articles and clippings from on and offline sources, using a single model/database table, but handling a series of interesting topics:

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